JED-August 2023

August 2023 | Volume 18. No 2 | ISSN: 1595-9229-15

Journal of Environmental Design (JED) | Download – JED August 2023 Edition

Welcome to yet another volume of the Journal of Environmental Design. Volume 18 of the JED contains several thought-provoking well researched papers on the various dimensions of the built environment. It must be stated that environmental problems in
general have become intricate phenomena requiring a wide range of interests and experts in their planning, management and design. The JED continues in its 18th volume to highlight the works of these experts and presents their informed views and cutting edge research findings for the benefits of policy makers and students of environmental studies. The papers have been peer-reviewed and carefully selected to ensure intellectual balance and intelligent discourse. The views expressed in the articles published in this Journal (JED) are those of the
authors and Journal of Environmental Design (JED) does not hold itself accountable for such.