
Profile of Dr. (Mrs.) Mary Mfon Bassey
Dr. (Mrs.) Mary Mfon Bassey is a native of Afaha Offiong in Nsit Ibom Local Government Area. She was born on the 14th April 1968. She attended Group School Afaha/Afia-Nsit in Nsit Ibom Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State and had her First School Leaving Certificate in July 1977. She proceeded to Community Secondary School Odobo-Okobo in Oron Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State where she had her West African Examination Certificate (WAEC) in 1986. She had O.N.D IN Business Administration at School of Accountancy, Uyo, H.N.D in Business Administration at Obafemi Owolowo Ille Ife in 2001. She graduated from University of Uyo with BLS in 2005, in 2008 she obtained Master of Library Science University of Uyo. She registered for Ph.D in Library and Information Science at the University of Calabar, and graduated in 2018.
Dr. Mary Mfon Bassey was employed in 1997 by the University of Uyo as Library Assistant, she worked in all Sections of the Library, she had served as Head of Unit, Sections and Divisions. Head of Section Collection Development Section of the Library 2012-2018. She served as Head of Annex Campus Business Administration Library 2018-2021. Head of Unit Circulation, Permanent Site 2021-2022, Head of Division Resource Development 2022-2023.
She is a Chartered Librarian, a member of Nigeria Library Association (NLA), she is a member of Nigerian Association of Library and Information Science Educators (NALISE), member of Forum for African Women Educationalists (Nigeria) FAWEN, member Nigeria Library Association (AKS Chapter), member of Academic Staff Union of Research Institutions (ASURI), member and Director of Social in Peculiar Women Association, Uyo Chapter, member of Government of Akwa Ibom State Skills Development Centre Projects in Collaboration with Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN), member Reading Association of Nigeria (RAN), member of Foundation for Education and Employment of Nigeria Youths (FEENY), member of Institute of Corporate Administrators. She has attended several Conferences, Seminars and Workshops. She has 30 publications to her Credit and even more.
Dr. Mary Mfon Bassey is a member of the University of Uyo Women Association (UWA). President Hopeful Ladies Association Uyo, Woman Leader at Afaha Offiong Youth Cacus, Uyo Chapter.
Dr. (Mrs.) Mary Mfon Bassey is a Christian and is happily married with children. She is humble, honest, trustworthy and full of sense of humor.
She was appointed the Acting University Librarian, University of Uyo, Uyo on January 05, 2024.