The Directorship has been held by the following staff and dates:
Professor Ekong U. Okon (Late) 1991 – 2001
Professor Anthony W. Akpan 2002 – 2003
Professor Rufus M. Ubom 2004 – 2006
Professor Gregory A. Akpan 2006 -2021
Professor Mercy P. Akpan 2021 – till date
Director – Professor Mercy P. Akpan
SIWES Secretary (ACEO) – Dr. Hezekiah Tom Udoudom
Chief Computer Operator – Mrs. Christiana Bassey Udosen
Principal Chief Clerical Officer11 (PCCO) – Mrs. Mercy Akpan Ndaeyo
To be a centre of academic excellence by utilizing the available human and technological resources for teaching, research, community service and sustainable development.
To diligently pursue scholarship and deploy its output for human capacity development and economic growth in the society, with active participation in Information and Communication Technology, Sensitivity to Nigeria’s rich cultural heritage and responsiveness to global environmental changes.
- Faith in God
- Academic Excellence in Teaching and Research
- Institutional Autonomy
- Academic Freedom, Peer and Professional Review
- Qualitative Service Delivery
- Strong Work Ethics, Equal Opportunity
- Creativity and Innovation
- Integrity, Transparency and Accountability
- Peace and Orderliness
The SIWES Directorate University of Uyo was initially domiciled in the erstwhile Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences and the Faculty of Science until 2014. In 2015 the National Universities Commission (NUC) directed that the SIWES Directorate be relocated from the Faculty of Science to Office of the Vice Chancellor, which is the approved domicile for the Directorate. In 1991, 12 academic programmes in 10 Departments from the Faculties of Natural and Applied Sciences, Social Science and Education took part in SIWES.
The number of academic programmes participating in SIWES grew to 16 in 1996/1997 academic session. By 2001/202 academic session, the present 34 academic programmes from the Faculties of Agriculture, Basic Medical Sciences, Education, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Pharmacy, Science and Social Sciences participated in SIWES. An average of about 2,135 students now participates in the scheme every academic session. Through the instrumentality of the present Vice Chancellor, Professor Nyaudoh U. Ndaeyo, the University of Uyo Management at her 88th meeting held on Thursday, September 9, 2021 upgraded the nomenclature of the SIWES Unit to SIWES Directorate in the University. This was achieved during the Directorship of Professor Mercy P. Akpan.
The SIWES Directorate was established with the approval of the National Universities Commission (NUC). It has a full-time head with the title of Director, SIWES. Other staff of the Directorate are the SIWES Secretary who assists the Director in the administration of the Directorate, Clerical Officers, Secretarial Staff, Computer Operator and Caretaker.
The functions of the Directorate as directed by the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) and the National Universities Commission (NUC) are as enumerated below:
- Prepare and submit copies of the SIWES Placement and Master Lists in every academic session through the National Universities Commission (NUC) to the Industrial Training Fund (ITF), for vetting, approval and implementation.
- Ensure that job-specifications appropriate to each course of study are adhered to by Industry Trainers/Supervisors.
- Determine the appropriate credit Units for SIWES.
- Identify placement opportunities for attachment of students with employers.
- Supervise Students at their place of attachment.
- Endorse the SIWES Log Books at the end of SIWES attachment.
- Organize SIWES Orientation for students who are to embark on SIWES attachment in collaboration with the ITF.
- Submit Comprehensive reports on SIWES on ITF Form 8 to the ITF through the NUC at the end of every year’s programme.
- Ensure payment of outstanding allowances to students who participated in SIWES.
- Submit verified ITF Form 8 to ITF Area Office.
- Compile the list of academic staff involved in SIWES activities to University management for payment of the Industrial Supervision Allowance.
- Compile the list of SIWES staff involved in SIWES field activities to University Management for payment of Field Trip Allowance.
- Participate in/host Zonal SIWES Stakeholders/Coordinators’ meetings.
- Participate in the Biennial SIWES National Conference.
Specifically, the objectives of the Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) are to:
- Provide avenue for Students in Institutions of higher learning to acquire industrial skills and experience in their course of study.
- Prepare students for the industrial work situation they are to meet after graduation.
- Expose students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment and machinery that may not be available in their institutions.
- Make the transition from school to the world of work easier and enhance students’ contacts for later job placement.
- Provide students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge in real work situations thereby bridge the gap between theory and practice.
- Enlist and strengthen employers’ involvement in the entire educational process and prepare students for employment after graduation.
The central aim of SIWES is to bridge the gap between theory and practice. This bridging is now becoming more important as University graduates seek to create self-employment and establish small scale enterprises and other start-ups. It is therefore expected that more academic programmes will become involved in skills training in the future. The Directorate, which has ITF-trained staff, can have a positive impact on this development if it is mandated to oversee these skills training programmes to ensure their quality and integrity.
The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a Skills Training Programme designed to prepare and expose Students of Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Technology, Colleges of Agriculture and Colleges of Education for the Industrial Work situation they are likely to meet after graduation. The Scheme affords Students the opportunity of familiarizing and exposing themselves to handling equipment and machinery that are usually not available in their Institutions.
Before the establishment of the Scheme, there was a growing concern that graduates of our Institutions of higher learning lacked adequate practical knowledge and that theoretical education in Higher Institutions was not responsive to the needs of the Employers of Labour.
It is against this background that the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) initiated, designed, and introduced SIWES Scheme in 1973 to acquaint Students with the skills of handling Industrial equipment and machinery.
The Industrial Training Fund (ITF) solely funded the Scheme during its formative years. However, due to financial constraints, the Fund withdrew from the Scheme in 1978. The Federal Government, noting the significance of the skills training, handed the management of the Scheme to the National Universities Commission (NUC) and the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) in 1979. In November 1984 management and implementation of the Scheme was again reverted to the ITF with the funding to be solely borne by the Federal Government.
- The Federal Government of Nigeria
- The Industrial Training Fund (ITF)
- National Universities Commission (NUC)
- National Board for Technical Education (NBTE)
- National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE)
- Institutions of Higher Learning and
- The Employers of Labour
The bodies have specific roles assigned to them in the administration and management of SIWES.
Federal Government of Nigeria
- Provide adequate funds to the Industrial Training Fund through the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade & Investment for the Scheme.
- Make it mandatory for all ministries, companies, and parastatals to offer places for the attachment of students in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 47 of 1971 as amended in 2011. Shall accept students for industrial attachment purposes. “Any employer who is in breach of the provision of the sub-section (1) of this section shall be guilty of an offence under this Act and liable to conviction:”
- In the case of a corporate body, to a fine of Five Hundred Thousand Naira (N500,000.00) for the first breach and One Million Naira (N1,000,000.00) for subsequent breach; and
- In the case of Chief Executive, Secretary, or other Principal Officers of the company, to a fine of Fifty Thousand Naira (N50,000.00) or two years imprisonment for the first breach and three years’ imprisonment without option of a fine for each subsequent breach.
- Formulate policies and guidelines on SIWES for distribution to all SIWES participating bodies, institutions and companies involved in the scheme.
- Regularly involved in organizing orientation programmes for students prior to their attachment.
- Receive and process Master and Placement Lists from the Institutions through their Supervisory Agencies (NUC, NBTE & NCCE).
- Supervise and Monitor Students on Industrial Attachment.
- Disburse Supervisory and Students allowances by e-payment.
- Organize Biennials SIWES National Conferences and SIWES Review Meetings.
- Provide insurance cover for Students on attachment.
- Provide logistics and materials necessary for effective administration of the Scheme.
- Ensure the visit (tours) of ITF officers to the Supervising Agencies, Institutions, Employers and Students on Attachment.
- Provide information on companies for attachment and assistance in the industrial placement of students.
- Continuously review and carry out research into the operation of the Scheme.
- Vet, process and verify Students’ logbooks and ITF Forms 8.
The three (3) Supervisory Agencies are.
- National Universities Commission (NUC)
- National Board for Technical Education (NBTE)
- National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE)
- Ensure the establishment and accreditation of SIWES Units in Institutions under their jurisdiction.
- Appointment of full-time SIWES Coordinators.
- Adequate funding of the SIWES Units in all Institutions.
- Vet and approve Master and Placement Lists of Students from participating Institutions and forward same to ITF.
- Develop, monitor, and review job-specifications in collaboration with the Institutions towards the maintenance of National minimum Academic Standard for all programmes approved for SIWES.
- Liaise with ITF and participate in the SIWES National Biennial Conference and other relevant SIWES Seminars, Conferences, workshops, and meetings.
- Research into the development of SIWES in line with advances in technological development.
- Regularly review courses qualified for SIWES in collaboration with other bodies.
- Liaise with the ITF, to ensure the implementation of all Federal Government policies on the Scheme.
- Establish the SIWES Directorate with a separate account adequately staffed and funded to ensure effective operation of the Scheme. The Directorate must meet the following minimum personnel/material requirements:
- A full-time Head of SIWES Directorate (Director/Coordinator), whose rank should not be less than that of a Senior Lecturer in the related discipline.
- An Administrative Officer (to assist the Head of SIWES);
- A Secretary/Typist/Data Entry Clerk
- An Office Assistant
- A personal computer and/or Laptop
- Functional Photocopying machine.
- Separate SIWES account.
- A functional Vehicle
- Capture students’ bank details at the point of registration for SIWES (Bank Name, Account Name, NUBAN Account Number and Sort Code).
- Prepare and submit to the ITF: 1. Three (3) hard copies and a soft copy of Master Lists not later than 31st March of each SIWES year or three (3) months before the commencement of Industrial Attachment. 2. Three (3) hard copies and a soft copy of Placement Lists not later than 31st May, of each SIWES year or three (3) months before the commencement of Industrial Attachment.
- Apply job-specifications as prepared for all the accredited courses and award appropriate credit units in accordance with the Federal Government minimum academic standard guidelines;
- Identify placement opportunities for Students’ attachment with Employers.
- Supervise students at their places of attachment and sign their logbooks.
- Organize orientation courses in collaboration with the ITF for their students.
- Submit all completed ITF Form 8 to the nearest ITF Area Office.
- Collaborate with Institutions of higher learning in the preparation of job specification for approved courses.
- Accept students for Industrial Attachment as stipulated by ITF Decree No. 47 as amended.
- Provide welfare services-medication and payment for hospitalization of Students while on attachment.
- Participate fully in the assessment of Programmes and Students by completing the necessary instruments – ITF Form 8, Students’ logbook etc.
- Allow Students have access to their facilities;
- Appoint an Industry-based Supervisor for Students on attachment.
- At the point of registration, students must submit their bank details (Bank Name, Account Name, NUBAN Account Number and Sort Code) to their school’s SIWES Coordinators.
- Attend institution’s SIWES orientation programme before going on attachment.
- Obedient to constitute authorities and adhere strictly to all rules and regulations of the Organization where they are attached.
- Be regular and punctual at respective places of attachment.
- Avoid change of places of attachment, except in special circumstances which must be determined and approved by their Institution’s Supervisor, the Employer and/or the ITF.
- Complete Students Commencement Attachment Form (SCAF) and get it endorsed by the Employer for onward submission to ITF.
- Record all training activities and other assignments in logbook and complete ITF Form 8 to ensure proper assessment.
- Be diligent, honest, conscientious and take pride in the protection of Employers property throughout the attachment period.
Course in Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Technology/Agriculture and Colleges of Education in which Industrial Attachment is compulsory and centrally funded are restricted to Engineering and Technology; including Environmental Studies and other courses that may be approved. All students of NCE (Technical), NCE (Business), NCE (Agriculture), NCE (Home Economics), NCE (Creative Arts and Design) and NCE (Computer Education) Courses in Colleges of Education are also included.
1. | Universities | At the end of 200, 300 or 400 Level of degree programme | 6 months | Students in the preliminary classes and post-graduate students are not eligible for SIWES. |
2. | Polytechnics, Monotechnics, Colleges of Technology | At the end of 1st year of two year ND programme | 4 months | National Diploma Progrmme only |
3. | Colleges of Education | At the end of 2nd year of the 3 year NCE programme | 4 months | NCE Technical and other approved courses |
- Master List: Is a comprehensive list of Students expected to participate in SIWES each year. It indicates the following: name of students, matriculation number with year of matriculation, programme of study, level of study, dates showing duration of attachment and nationality. This list must be prepared serially according to matriculation number. All Master Lists are to be submitted prior to the submission of Placement Lists by participating Institutions to the respective Supervisory Agencies for vetting and approval.
- Placement List: Is the list that indicates name of students, master list number, matriculation number with year of matriculation, programme of study, level of study, period and date of attachment, m nationality and specific places students are expected to do their attachment. The Placement lists should be prepared and arranged according to department with bank details (NUBAN Account Number and Sort Code). All Placement lists are to be submitted by participating Institutions to their respective Supervisory Agencies for vetting and approval.
- Summary Sheet: All Placement Lists must include a TOP PAGE listing in a summary form:
1. Total number of students on each programme.
2. Total number of students involved.
Until recently, very few institutions saw the need for the establishment of the Industrial Coordination Unit, and even where they were established, their activities seemed to be narrowed down to only placing Students on Industrial Attachment. However, these Units could be utilized to foster closer links between Institutions of learning and industries. They could be developed to collect data and information on skills needed by industries and challenges facing Industries with a view to referring them to appropriate Institutional Departments for development of learning tasks to be carried out by students. By inference, real-life case studies could be made available to lecturers and Students as well.
The Units, by virtue of their positions as Industrial Liaison Offices, could be the most appropriate channels for guiding Students in career and job placement opportunities. Furthermore, it could incorporate such schemes, as the College-based Student’s Work Experience Programme, which involves setting up pilot projects like Proto-type Industries and Production Centres where Students can acquire industrial experience during the early periods of their training.
The current Students and Institutions’ Supervisory allowances approved by the Federal Government are as follows:
- Students – N2,500.00 per student per month.
- Institution Supervisory – N00 per student per month
All payments will be made on-line directly into students’ accounts by e-payment.
- The Supervisory Allowance payable to each Institution is based on the number of completed Form 8 (end of programme report sheet) submitted by the students.
- Each institution must open a Bank Account and furnish ITF Headquarters with its NUBAN Account Number & Sort Code.
- All payments will be made online directly into the Institutional Bank Account by e-payment.
SCAF (Students Commencement of Attachment Form): To be given to all Students during pre-attachment orientation programme (Appendix C1). These forms are to be completed by the Employers and forwarded to the nearest ITF Area Office.
This is the End-of-Programme Report Sheet to be completed by Students, Employers and Institutions before the forms are sent to ITF Headquarters through the Area Offices (Appendix D1). The completion of this form is evidence of Students’ participation and supervision in the programme.
All Students accepted for SIWES must attend an orientation programme on SIWES organized by their Institutions in collaboration with the ITF.
Students on attachment are to be supervised by their Institutions’ supervisors and the staff of the ITF. Professional staff of the ITF and Institutions’ Supervisors are expected to visit Students at least two times during attachment.
The Logbooks issued to Students on attachment by Institutions must be examined, vetted, and signed by Institution and Industry-based Supervisors and the ITF staff during supervision.
The success of the Scheme is dependent on the co-ordinated efforts by the Federal Government, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment, Ministry of Education, the Industrial Training Fund, Higher Institutions of Learning, Employers of Labour and Students in their involvement in the administration and management of the Scheme.
It is pertinent to mention that the Scheme is aimed at promoting the much-desired technological know-how for the advancement of the Nation. The laudable Scheme amongst others will surely develop the much needed highly skilled labour force required to build an indigenous self-reliant economy envisaged for Nigeria.
To be a centre of academic excellence by utilizing the available human and technological resources for teaching, research, community service and sustainable development.
To diligently pursue scholarship and deploy its output for human capacity development and economic growth in the society, with active participation in ICT.