The Faculty of Natural and Applied Science was established in 1983 at the inception of the University of Cross River State (UNICROSS). The name of the Faculty was later changed to Faculty of Science when UNICROSS metamorphosed into the University of Uyo in 1991. In 2023, Faculty of Science was unbundled into three new Faculties viz; Faculty of Computing, Biological Sciences and Physical Sciences.
The Faculty of Physical Sciences was borne out of the expectation to produce scientific and technological manpower necessary for meeting the needs of the local community and nation as a whole. The Faculty places emphasis on a well designed mission and objectives that satisfies the vision and mission of the University at large.
It has the following objectives:
- to instill in students the fundamental principles of physical science,
- to inculcate the spirit of creativity and independence targeted at meeting the needs of the society.
- to apply these principles to solve social problems; and the development in students of the capacity to innovate and improve, using local content to achieve development.
The graduates produced will:
- meet the needs of the State and Federal Government and for the teaching of all physical science subjects in their various institutions of learning;
- fit into positions in the science and research sections of the various government ministries and parastatals, research institutes and the private sector;
- become self-employed by setting up small scale projects as a result of the applied orientation of the programmes; and
- be involved in proactive research that will be of immense benefits to the local community, the nation and the international community.
The Faculty of Physical Science have the following Departments:
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Geoscience
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Physics
- Department of Statistics
All these programmes currently have NUC Accreditation.
To provide an environment for human capacity building, enhance institutional knowledge base in physical science, and to disseminate our current knowledge through interaction with our community, other research units, the academic world towards self reliance, improving our environments and surroundings.
Chemistry is central to all other science disciplines and technology. This degree programme in chemistry is designed to foster in the undergraduates an appreciation of this centrality of chemistry to human well-being, as well as its linkage to and interactions with other science disciplines. This programme is therefore aimed at:
(i) stimulating in the students sustained interest and enthusiasm in chemistry and it’s applications;
(ii) building in students a culture of continuing enquiry;
(iii) providing students with a broad and balanced base of chemical knowledge and practical skills;
(iv) developing in students a range of skills applied in chemical and non-chemical areas, that can provide confidence for employment;
(v) providing students with a solid base of chemical knowledge and skills that are required for postgraduate studies and research, and
(vi) inculcating in students an appreciation of chemistry in all human endeavours.
(i) UTME Candidates
Passes at credit level in five subjects, which include English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Physics at the Ordinary Level (SSCE, WASCE, GCE, and NECO)
(ii) Direct Entry Candidates
Possession of one of the following qualifications
- Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) Upper Credit (with two ‘A’ Level passes in Chemistry and anyone of Physics, Mathematics or Biology.).
- Ordinary National Diploma (OND) Upper Credit in a related field.
- Higher National Diploma (HND) Lower Credit in a related field.
- First degree in a related area from a recognized University.
- Plus UTME requirement.
Geoscience is an applied science concerned with the description and understanding of the earth’s internal and external processes from its formation to the present day. Geoscience is generally interested in investigating the earth, more particularly the crust, as aid to resource evaluation and management. In broadest sense, the knowledge of geoscience equips the individual to describe and interpret the surface physical features of the earth explaining at the same time the mode of origin and also decipher and elucidate on the history of the earth’s evolution and of its past as preserved in the rock’s record. Specifically, geoscience is largely concerned with the study of minerals, rocks and fossils as a means to the explanation of the historical development of the crust and its present physical features. The genesis of rocks and their structural features and arrangement provide insight into the history of the earth (tectonic evolution). The fossils record when analyzed provides evidence as to the origin of the history and evolutionary trend of life. The study of geoscience further provides information on the utilization and management of the wealth of any nation. Geoscience does not operate in isolation but taps from other sciences (physics, chemistry, biology mathematics and geography) to proffer solutions to many geological and geophysical problems. This results in other branches of geoscience which include:
This is the study of fossil life and is clearly the marriage of geology and biology
This combines the knowledge of geology and chemistry for the benefit of the geologist and chemist.
- Geophysics:
This combines geology and physics to address the physical problem of the earth crust
The subdivisions of the geoscience amongst others are:
- Petrology: The study of rocks and their genesis.
- Mineralogy: The study of minerals and their genesis.
iii. Stratigraphy: This is concerned with the earth’s history.
- Structural/Physical geology: The study of the interior and the exterior processes and their structural and morphological effects.
The Department of Geoscience is designed to train individuals on the principles and application of basic geological sciences to aid such persons generate data which when analyzed will assist in:
- the exploration, exploitation and evaluation of minerals, groundwater and petroleum resources.
- providing solution to geological problems such as erosion, environmental pollution and degradation.
- appreciating and understanding the geologic and geophysical history of the environment.
The B.Sc. Geoscience programme is therefore designed to afford the student an understanding of the earth’s processes as assistance to resource detection, evolution and management.
(i) UME Requirement:
The UME entry requirements are five ordinary level credit passes in English Language and Mathematics plus three other subjects from Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Geography obtained in not more than two sittings in WASSCE, GCE and NECO.
(ii) Direct Entry Requirement:
Minimum Direct Entry requirements are Advanced Level GCE passes or equivalent in any two of the following: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry Biology (Botany or Zoology) and Geography. ND candidates with credit pass from a recognized Polytechnic plus three ordinary level credit passes in Mathematics and any other science subjects.
English Language and any three of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Geography.
The department runs a 4-year degree programme for admissions through JME and a 3-year degree programme for Direct Entry Admissions.
Options in the Programme / Areas of Specialization
The Geoscience department runs two options at the undergraduate level, thus we graduate our students with B.Sc. Geophysics and B.Sc. Geology.
Mathematics is essential in science and technology, and has many applications in Medicine, the Social Sciences, Agriculture, Business and Management. The philosophy of the B.Sc. Mathematics programme in the Department of Mathematics is therefore to produce graduates who are well trained in all areas of Pure and Applied Mathematics with the aim of meeting the challenges of using mathematics in advancing societal development.
The objectives of the programme is to train Mathematicians who will be able to:
- Learn to apply precise, logical reasoning to problem solving.
- Develop persistence and skills in exploration, conjecture and generalization.
(iii) Be able to read and communicate mathematics with understanding and clarity.
(iv) Possess understanding of the breadth of the mathematical sciences and their deep interconnecting principles.
(v) Be able to apply Mathematics to a broad spectrum of complex problems.
(vi) Gain experience in problem solving, Mathematical reasoning, communicating, scientific computing and Mathematical modelling
Admission Requirements
Candidates wishing to enrol in the B.Sc. degree programme in Mathematics must have at least five ‘O’ level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics and at least two subjects from Physics, Statistics, Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Economics and Geography. In addition, candidates must also sit and pass both the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) conducted by JAMB and the post UTME screening test conducted by the University of Uyo. The subjects required in the UTME examinations include English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
Direct Entry Admission Requirements
To qualify for Direct Entry admission, candidates must obtain any of the following, plus the University Matriculation Requirement
(i) Two ‘A’ level passes with at least one in Mathematics or Statistics.
(ii) NCE with at least merit in relevant subjects
(iii) ND/HND with at least lower credit passes in relevant fields
Duration of Degree Programme in Mathematics
The Department offers a four-year degree programme. To qualify for a B.Sc. degree in Mathematics, a candidate will normally spend a minimum period of four academic sessions (UTME candidates) or three academic sessions (Direct Entry candidates) and a maximum of six academic sessions (UTME candidates) or five academic sessions (D/E candidates). D/E candidates are usually admitted into the 2nd year of the four-year programme.
Requirements for the Award of A Degree
To be eligible for the award of degree in Mathematics a candidate must satisfactorily complete the minimum number of units prescribed for the degree. He must in addition compete successfully all compulsory courses as well as the special and general elective for the degree as prescribed. A student may graduate with one failed course if, at the expiration of his studentship, this is his only outstanding course. Direct Entry candidates may be required to offer all the GST courses of year 1 if not already offered and passed in an institution of similar standing.
Physics, as a fundamental science, provides a firm basis for creative work in fields of Science and Technology. It offers excellent background for several other professional studies such as Engineering, Electronics, Architecture, Nuclear Technology, Information Technology, Mineral Exploration, Medical sciences etc. Several areas of interest and gainful employments are therefore open to graduates of Physics in Government, Education, Research, Management, Companies, Banking, Communications, Space, and Industries.
The programme of the department is specifically aimed at producing graduates who are competent in the subject Physics as well as being skilful in the practice and techniques of the practical Physics; Pure and Applied Physics, utilizing his own accumulated knowledge and all they can gain from the study of scientific literature.
Statistics, which deals with the development of theories, data analysis and applications, is eclectic in nature, in that it influences and is itself affected by all other sciences, both numerate and non-numerate. Since Statistics is important in most scholarly disciplines, its study must arm the students for a broader interpretation and application of real life situations as they obtain in other disciplines. The philosophy of the programme therefore aims at producing practitioners who are better able to diagnose, analyze and predict natural phenomenon and serve as readily employable manpower in industries and the wider community, now and in the future.
The objectives of the programme are:
- To train graduates of statistics that apply themselves in Statistics a well as other areas, including agriculture , the biological Sciences, engineering, the physical sciences, the social sciences, education and business
- To produce, graduates of Statistics who can train others. That is, teach or pursue other academic career.
- To develop the course taking into consideration the Mathematical background required by the Student. This is done in the first two years of the programme. The third and fourth year’s courses in Statistics are designed to enhance basic understanding of the fundamental ideas in various areas of Statistics and develop analytical techniques applicable to a wide variety of problems.
The programme offers Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) honours degree in Statistics.
Candidates wishing to enrol in the B.Sc. degree programme in Statistics must have at least five ‘0’ level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics and at least three subjects from Physics, Statistics, Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Economics and Geography. In addition, candidates must also sit and pass both the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) conducted by JAMB and the post UTME screening conducted by the University of Uyo. The subjects required in the UME examinations include English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
Direct Entry Admission Requirements
To qualify for Direct Entry admission, candidates must obtain any of the following, plus the University Matriculation Requirement
(i) Two ‘A’ level passes in Mathematics or Statistics
(ii) NCE with at least merit in relevant subjects
(iii) ND/HND with at least lower credit passes in relevant fields